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I've been doing the 21 Day Abundance Challenge by Deepak Chopra. It's really powerful and fun to do as well.
Exercises may take 5 min or up to 60 min depending on how deep you choose to go. I chose to go deep and got so many insights about myself, my life, my relationships with people, money, food, habits, objects, activities… I got so much more clarity in general! One of my tasks was to start and lead a new group of people doing this challenge. If you want to bring (more) abundance in your life, like for example:
Limitless Love
Unbounded Joy
Optimum Health
Greater Material Possessions
Then please do sign-up below. It's free of charge.
Additional benefits:
You grow more aware of your true situation.
You may start to appreciate many things in your life that you didn't even noticed that they were there.
Your perspective on many things may change, resulting in the next points:
You'll discover beautiful things about yourself.
Experience more inner peace.
Experience more gratitude.
You may experience an increase in self-awareness.
You may get fresh inspiration and new ideas.
It's all free!
Duration: 20-60 min per day, depending on how deep you want to go.
You can influence how soon a new group will start. Share the link to this page with those you feel may enjoy and benefit from this challenge too.
The rules of the challenge:
After receiving daily tasks, you will have 24 hours to do them. the meditations are nice and inspiring
When needed to write down something, you use pen or pencil and paper.
Before you start, try to relax with a few deep breaths or with another relaxation technique that you prefer.
If you have any questions, send me a private message. Comments and endorsements are NOT required in the group.
Try to be present when you perform daily activities and be concentrated on just that.
Mornings are often the best time for focus on these kinds of practices as they stay more easily in your awareness during the day. But you can choose any time that suits you, as you have 24 h to finish the task. You will find your best way.
If the activity is not performed in time, as a rule I will have to remove the person from the group (If this happens do not take it personally, its just a rule I need to follow and that’s important for the final result) or you simply take ownership and leave the group.
After completing the activity, just write “Done Day X” in this group as confirmation for yourself. If you do not post this, I will assume that you didn't fulfill the task of the day.
This challenge is free of charge. Yet not an excuse to not respect the rules.
These are the rules as set by Deepak for this challenge. If these rules seem tough to you, simply go inside your heart and feel where your resistance is coming from.
It's about holding yourself accountable and taking back ownership of your own life.
21 days later you'll be grateful that you did it, that you didn't surrender to the excuses generated by your mind and instead you did finish this, not for me, but for yourself and your own well-being.