Schumann Resonance & Solar Activity Updates
On this page you'll find updates and links to other pages with even more recent updates.
Want to know more about the Schumann Resonance and Solar activity in general?
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How to reduce the impact on you?
as in all other cases of external factors that can affect you, your mood, your energy, your emotional state, Grounding and and other grounding-related tools (like meditation and yoga for example) can help making a huge difference in your life.
Therefor I strongly recommend you to have a look here to see how easily and effectively you can counter most of the effects. Click the orange Grounding button. |
Up to date info on the current Schumann Resonance:
Up to date solar activity:
Shumann Resonance intensity history: Click to open each month
Solar wind streams cause auroras or Northern Lights to occur, so there is high possibility they will be witnessed around the Arctic Circle towards the middle to end of the week. They can usually be seen an hour before sunrise, or approximately an hour or two after sunset. - Alex Myles |
Disclaimer: If you experience any of the symptoms listed and have medical concerns, please also seek the advice of a medical professional. The above symptoms are commonly noted during geomagnetic storms; however, there may be other medical-related causes.