Life Coaching Testimonials
What Clients Say
About the Personal Coaching
I carried deep anger and resentment toward my family for years, weighed down by past conflicts and estrangement. No matter how hard I tried to move forward, these feelings isolated me, affecting my emotional well-being and ability to connect with others. Family Constellations therapy was a transformative experience. It revealed how these emotions weren’t just mine—they were connected to unresolved family patterns spanning generations.
Through the imagery and insights that emerged during the session, I began to release the resentment that had anchored me in the past. I felt lighter, more at peace, and ready to embrace my future. The process showed me where I need to nourish myself, what to let go of, and how to create space for healing. Family Constellations gave me powerful tools to release the emotional weight of the past and step into a brighter, more connected future. I highly recommend it to anyone dealing with family-related pain, estrangement, or feelings of isolation. |
Heather - United Kingdom
I'm a freelancer, my life was always busy with deadlines, difficult clients, and sometimes even worrying about money. Stress was with me every day, and it affected everything. After attending two events organized by Lotfi, I went to the G.C.R.S.* workshop. I wasn't sure it would help, but it really changed my life. The things I learned are simple and easy to do every day. They help me deal with stress much better. I learned how to "ground" myself when I feel stress coming. Lotfi also taught me how to "clean" bad energy, and how to "recharge" with good energy. The "shield" of energy is amazing. I can feel it protecting me from bad things outside. Since I started doing these things, I get much more work done, and my clients are happier. It's surprising, but when I'm less stressed, my business goes better! I also have more time to relax because I'm more productive.
I really recommend the G.C.R.S.* workshop to anyone who has stress and wants to feel more balanced and peaceful. It's very helpful for a better and more successful life. * G.C.R.S. is a Stress Reduction and Prevention training. It includes, but is not limited to, Energetic Grounding, Cleaning, Recharging and Shielding. It promotes inner balance and peace.
Laurentiu - Freelancer - Romania
I reached out to Lotfi on PushFar where I received his mentoring and the experience has been one of a kind and extremely rewarding. Lotfi deviates from the typical generic norms and customs and targets the core issues at hand.
His deep knowledge of different subject matter and simulating questions expanded my mind and make me think reflecting on insights in both my personal and professional life at a much deeper level. His intuitive and holistic approach always makes for deep and engaging discussions where I always come out better after it. I would always be extremely thankful and grateful for giving his time and attention to me. I do hope he continues to be great! |
Stephen Robin - Trinidad and Tobago
Лотфи, хочу выращить свою благодарность тебе, как человеку, как мастеру. Спасибо тебе большое, за твою помощь, за твое время, за твои знания которыми ты так щедро делился. Ты помог мне восстановить душевное равновесие, стать сильнее, в очень не лёгкий период моей жизни. Удивительно как вначале нашего знакомства даже мысли совпадали , я подумала, а ты озвучил. Я буду помнить твои наставления и применять из в жизни и конечно спасибо за твой ютуб канал, это источник нужной информации. Обнимаю Диана из Украины, Одесса.
Translation: Lotfi, I want to grow my gratitude to you as a person, as a teacher. Thank you very much for your help, for your time, for your knowledge that you shared so generously. You helped me restore peace of mind, become stronger, in a very difficult period of my life. It's amazing how at the beginning of our acquaintance even thoughts coincided, I thought, and you voiced it. I will remember your instructions and apply them in life, and of course thanks for your YouTube channel, this is a source of crucial information. Hug, Diana from Ukraine, Odessa. |
Diana - Ukraine
I am a very lucky being, a being whose life naturally supports and guides him, with love whenever he needs it.
As if by magic, when I needed it, someone came into my life and did a little miracle. All I had to do is to be present, not refuse, say YES to the experiences, open the door of the heart when someone is knocking, to receive naturally and gratefully what is offered to me. Today I had a very warm, very heart-warming session with a wonderful man, a wizard. I call him Merlin, only a wizard can reach my soul so fast and work so clean 🙂 I wholeheartedly recommend Lotfi M'Rad whenever you need guidance with gentleness and wisdom. |
Andreea Dragomir - Communication Trainer - Romania
If you have a similar problem I highly recommend Lotfi. I worked with him on my relationship with my mother and he helped me to see what I had been avoiding for a long time.
I’m currently experiencing the change in the relationship with her as a result of the change within me. The work I did was on myself. |
Anamaria Diaconu - Recall Healing Coach - Romania
I can’t say that I had a big issue in my life that needed much attention and my coaching with Lotfi started as a recommendation from one of my family members.
I remember as it was yesterday that I started my first session without any expectations as I was not really aware how this coaching works and I was mind blown to realise how much I’ve discovered about myself only after 2 hours of chatting with him. He has definitely helped me progress and find the courage to push forward to get closer and reach my goals. He will be next to you for your entire journey and make you realise that you have the power to make the change. You might just need a bit of guidance. I deeply value the time spent together and this is why I highly recommend to try a few sessions with Lotfi. Thank you for offering such a wonderful service !!! |
Vladut Lungu - United Kingdom
Lotfi is een krachtig intuitive coach die je van jarenlange pijnlijke patronen en blokkades kan afhelpen, door je de weg te wijzen naar de kern en oorsprong van het probleem. Hij ontrafelt wat jij zelf op dat moment niet kunt zien om vervolgens een veilige ruimte voor je neer te zetten, waardoor je het in veiligheid mag voelen, doorvoelen en los kunt laten. Hierdoor verdwijnen de patronen en blokkades uit jouw systeem, waar je zelf al jaren mee worstelt.
Translation: Lotfi is a powerful intuitive coach who can relieve you of years of painful patterns and blockages, by showing you the way to the core and origin of the problem. He unravels what you yourself cannot see at that moment and then creates a safe space for you, so that you can feel, feel it through and let go of it in safety. As a result, the patterns and blockages disappear from your system, which you yourself have been struggling with for years. |
A woman's testimonial after healing a Sexual Trauma
Lotfi is a powerhouse of energetic and personal transformation. He infuses joy and play into everything he does, which exponentializes his impact through his work. I have co-facilitated a mastermind with Lotfi and also been an interviewee on his show. He has such a warmth of presence and ability to create in the moment. Reading the energy and following his intuition are two ways in which he leads. Lotfi also has a breadth of knowledge that has impressed me time and again. You need to know something? Ask Lotfi, he has wisdom to share.
Lotfi is someone who doesn't just talk the talk, but is fully present to his own personal journey too. I have found this truly inspiring, as it is a hallmark of someone you can really trust even with the hardest things in life and business. You desire change, growth, support, strategy, and caring? Reach out to Lotfi, you will be more than satisfied. |
Jennilee Porch - Coach - Seattle USA
My dearest Lotfi,
Thank you for being an amazing coach to me .. you have healed so many areas in my life that I did not even knew or was aware of .. Thank you for working with me through my challenges with unconditional love, so much patience and always from a pure heart space.. I Am in so much gratitude.. Much love and light your way. |
Sonia Branco - South Africa
Ook ik zit teveel in mijn hoofd.
Door persoonlijke sessies met Lotfi leer ik nu steeds beter om naar mijn gevoel te luisteren. Dit roept ook veel oude onverwerkte emoties op, waar we hard mee aan de slag zijn. Een echte aanrader want Lotfi dringt snel door en is bijzonder prettig om mee te praten. Translation: Through private sessions with Lotfi I have started to listen more to my intuition and my heart. This can lead to old emotions resurfacing. And that is exactly what we are working on. I recommend to work with Lotfi as he easily sees the root of things and it is very pleasant to talk with him. |
Ruth Jantzen - The Netherlands
I took part in one of the small, cozy group workshop last year. I have to admit, I was a bit skeptical at first, as I am with many of the things that seem to attract me in an irrational way, but I decide to go, nonetheless. I think curiosity had a great say in this, as well.
I was in for a pleasant surprise - both from the part of our coaches and myself. I learned that, yes, I can open up to people that I just met, drop the act and feel a sort of relief by just being true. I guess some of the others learned different things: "yes, other people have a hard time loving themselves, too, no matter how shiny they might seem", or "yes, there is no shame in admitting that you are lonely and need somebody's warm touch". Of course, we all knew these things before, we just needed to offer ourselves a few hours of letting it all sink in, and have a clean, fresh start of the year. And just feel close to each other. So basically, what I'm saying is - go ahead, give it a try :-) |
Cristina - Musician
"I met Lotfi at the right moment in my life, which was the exact moment I needed his kind of approach. He made me feel comfortable about the issues I needed to talk about and to figure out, he offered me a better perspective, the right one actually, he helped me break through some walls I had built.
I recommend him for his professionalism, kindness, and moreover, for the fact that he pays so much attention to his clients and is always by their side, at any hour and anytime they need him." |
Alexandra Necula - Brand Consultant- Romania
Video testimonial:
Madalina Iancu - Blogger, Tour Guide - Romania
In this world we are so connected and interconnected at a level that we may not be aware. And I'm so grateful to that. This morning I had a deep, true, friendly conversation on Skype with Lotfi M'Rad. This conversation brought me so much awareness and insights on struggles and issues, that I almost forgot, or parked them nicely. We can perform miracles in each other's life, mostly by having true, deep communication with each other, and sincere willingness to grow, help and learn. Thank you Lotfi M'Rad.
Mihaela Vernica- Social Media Specialist - Romania
My full name in the end means that I m not afraid anymore of what others could think about me.
I own my feelings and I am free now. You did a great job,...and you will help so many souls from now. ... Breaking Through Workshop is the most beautiful gift I've ever could offer to myself. It was an experience that Reset my life, my perspective on it and that re-birth my soul and my joy for life. ... This is an advertising printed on my soul, it is pure joy that I wish more people know and feel, because I finally understand: It is a birthright! Ibi and Lotfi could bridge you there and it is totally safe. To read the full testimonial click here |
Alexandra Petrisor - Italy
"Lotfi is one of those rare people who can feel the exact nature of a problem. He has the ability to look through all the layers and reach exactly at the core of the problem. He does it in a gentle and loving way which makes you feel completely safe next to him. By doing so he hands you tools and gives you new perspectives to transform your problems and heal old pains. Lotfi helped me a lot by carefully listening to me and pointing out things that were not yet visible to me."
Peggy Steenvoorden - Movie Director - The Netherlands
"And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry,The Little Prince - Limba română: Asta am simtit in timpul discutiilor cu el, ca e capabil sa vada cu inima, dincolo de distanta, ceea cred ca este "instrumentul" cel mai de pret al unui terapeut. |
Raluca - Designer - Romania
De obicei sunt cateva legaturi, cateva conexiuni lipsa care ne impiedica sa ne vedem asa cum meritam. Care ne impiedica sa ne exprimam la adevaratul nostru potential. De multe ori, suntem atat de aproape de acea varianta a noastra frumoasa si puternica si totusi continuam sa ne invartim in cerc ani de zile, fara sa gasim acel moment stralucitor pentru a face saltul.
E nevoie de o abordare blanda, deschisa, sensibila, plina de grija si o intuitie de exceptie, pentru a te face sa te simti in siguranta, conectat, capabil sa atingi acea stare in care pur si simplu stii ce e de facut pentru a trece cu adevarat la nivelul urmator. Multumesc Lotfi, pentru darul de a-mi schimba viata, pentru ajutorul de a ma redescoperi. Sunt recunoscatoare pentru tot acest timp salvat. Acum pot, in loc doar sa caut si sa stiu “teoria", sa traiesc bucuria si sa imi creez constient viata pe care mi-o doresc. Si va spun un secret: nu e nevoie intotdeauna de ani grei de sesiuni de coaching. Abordarea intuitiva a lui Lotfi va ghideaza foarte rapid sa descoperiti sursa nevazuta a problemei si sa aduceti lumina in viata voastra. Translation Usually there are a few missing links, there are a few missing connections which stop us to see ourselves as we deserve. Which prevent us from expressing ourselves at full potential. Many times we are so close to our beautiful, powerful self but yet it takes us years of turning in circles, not finding that spark moment to make the jump. It takes a gentle, open, sensitive, caring approach and an outstanding intuition to make you feel safe, connected, able to reach that state of being in which you know what has to be done to really go to the next level. Thank you Lotfi for the gift of changing my life, for making me able to discover myself. I am grateful for saving all this time. Instead of just searching and knowing the "theory" I can now live the joy and consciously create my life. And I’ll tell you a secret: you don’t always need years of heavy coaching sessions. Lotfi’s intuitive approach guides you very quickly to sense the root of the unseen issue and bring the light into your life. |
Ibolya B. - Personal Development Counselor - Romania
I was always self-sufficient and I completely refused any Workshops as I thought it would be a useless thing to do. Now, I confess that this is the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me. And it is an absolute necessity to anyone who wants to improve his life and to evolve. Yes, I have read a lot, I tried to grow alone…the Breakthrough workshop was the crowning of my efforts and the essence of my searches…the missing piece! ... The wonderful people who guided me, Ibi and Lotfi, first created a safe space, where they allowed me to simply be. Without the fear of being judged, without the shame to admit that I am weak and I in need of help. They cared deeply about each participant, the attention to the details, the patience and gentleness used to guide us without interfering or forcing anybody. To read the full testimonial click here |
Ana Popescu - Project Manager - Romania
I'm feeling really lucky that I have met Lotfi, he is a great MAN, one of the few owners of a beautiful soul.
I just participated in one of his workshops and I'm really impressed by his intuition. He really "understands between the lines" and also he doesn't need too many words in order to understand my feelings. In fact, he doesn't need words at all. He made me realize several things about myself, things that exist in me and I did not see them before. I'm confident that he helped me to open my path in life and to understand WHO I REALLY AM and why I'm here. He is also a great friend, with a very good sense of humor, he doesn't judge people, this is the main reason why I felt great near him. So, thank you, Lotfi ! |
Claudia C - Economist - Romania
I wrote this a few weeks ago, felt the need to say it:
Sometimes it just takes someone else to show you the beauty in your heart and your true self. The rest will follow, you only need to stay authentic and stand up for yourself. That someone for me proved to be an inspiring coach, a caring person and a professional one. I highly suggest you meet Lotfi. :-) |
Alexandra Necula - Brand Consultant - Romania
Am avut bucuria sa-l intalnesc pe Lotfi doar cu cateva luni in urma si imediat am simtit ca este un om deosebit. Aveam senzatia ca vede dincolo de orice aparenta si totusi nu te judeca, si mai mult decat atat, e capabil sa creeze un spatiu in care sa te simti in siguranta si sa ai curajul sa-ti infrunti cele mai mari frici. Fiecare intalnire si discutie pe care am avut-o cu el a declansat in mine multe constientizari si apoi momente de claritate in urma carora am putut lua decizii foarte importante pentru viata mea. Iar stilul sau de comunicare plin de umor si energie este molipsitor, asa ca fiecare conversatie e o bucurie!
Translation I had the joy to meet Lotfi only a few months ago and right away I felt that he is a special person. I had the feeling that he can see beyond any appearance and yet he does not judge, and even more than that, he is able to create a safe space for you to have the courage to face your worst fears. Every meeting and discussion that I had with him triggered in me more awareness and then moments of clarity after which I was able to take very important decisions for my life. Also his way of communicating full of humor and energy is contagious, so every conversation is a joy! |
Anca - Nutritionist - Romania
Bridging You was a really powerful tool in understanding exactly the things I needed.
I recommend to everybody to have this experience. Lotfi is a really safe coach. In a surprisingly organic way and following his intuition, he just say the right thing for you, in the right moment. For me, the magic ingredient of this workshop was Lotfi’s humor. It was really helpful in finding the courage to share my feelings and emotions and to feel free to be myself. I would also put in bold several words for this workshop: safe, gentle, expanding, deep breath of fresh life. Thank you, it was a really great experience! |
Alexandra - Architect - Romania/Italy
"All our lives we are discovering more aspects of our complex being. Lotfi has showed me a place where matter disappears and the spirit can express itself freely. It is that place within ourselves where all religions and spiritual people are pointing at, where we all can feel free.
Thank you for leading me there!" |
Melinda - Designer - Romania