What is mentoring
Like many things in life, my view on mentoring is heavily influenced by my personal experience.
We sometimes or maybe often, when getting stuck, wish for someone to tell us what to do. Yet this is not what really helps us the most. It may be a short-term solution but can do us harm at a later time. Instead I believe in getting a better view and new perspectives on what we are dealing with.
Taking a step back and looking at things from a different angle often opens new doors and leads to new possibilities.
Also, looking at others not to copy them but to get inspired by them. In the end we are all unique and therefore require to find our unique way of dealing with things, even if only slightly tweaked to our personal circumstances and needs.
How I work with my clients
My view on mentoring (read above) has led me to decide to customize my mentoring to the person I mentor.
There will be a basic structure like some of the tools I utilize, video and audio calls for example. Yet the frequency can vary.
During our interaction I will be challenging you to get new perspectives on what you are dealing with.
Additionally I may share tips and tools, suggest articles, videos, workshops, seminars, webinars and other activities that ca enrich you. This will depend on your unique situation, needs, focus area of the mentoring and other criteria that may apply to you.
Book a session here to establish how we ca best work together and with which goals,
Your goals:Here are some examples of goals and what you can achieve through the proper mentoring:
In other words:
More Joy - Freedom - Me time - Energy - Abundance - Feeling alive Less Stress - Feeling constricted - Worrying - Tiredness - Scarcity - Feeling numb If this is what you are looking for in your life, both professionally and or personally, then take the first step!
Background:The main reason I started mentoring is that I have been experiencing what it means to have a mentor.
For more than three decades I’ve had mentors. At first I was not conscious about it, this started to change in 2005 as I started becoming more aware of what I wanted with my life and what I didn't want anymore, and thus the mentoring became more regular and structured.
Today I cannot imagine not having a mentor. So why is this?
Benefits:We often act from an energy of fear:
We do not need someone to tell us what we have to do.
Instead, what we can all benefit from is someone who: