What are the disadvantages of holding wrong beliefs?
Guest Blog 12-06-2020
By Andrada Anitei
When I red this article of Andrada, I strongly felt to share it here as a guest blog.
My perception is that there are no “wrong beliefs”. There are only OLD beliefs and belief systems that we are not aware of taking over from past generations. Since birth and during childhood, each of the 7 billion people on this planet takes with him/her a suitcase full of things not pertaining to them specifically. During our life journey, it is our responsibility to identify what is ours and what is not. Otherwise, the “disadvantages of holding wrong beliefs” are too many to count. But I'll do my best to be as brief as possible:
1 - These old beliefs generate frustrations. When frustrations pile up, we find ourselves in a foggy space we can't escape easily. Some will not escape that space at all, as they are too anchored in only seeing danger, anger, hatred and nothing worthy of fighting for. On the flip side, the ones working on themselves will start seeing beauty with each step and in the souls of others.
2 - Physical diseases. Unresolved/ un-healed issues boil below the surface for a long time - months, years, even decades, until someone discovers the root cause. But that requires an out of the box approach, not shallow regular practices. I have a close friend who managed to reduce the dimension of a tumor from 6cm to 2cm by programming it in that regard. Of course, you don't have to take my word for it, it should be your choice to research further.
3 - We feel unworthy of a good and abundant life. Most of the time, unworthiness comes from a strongly embedded sense of guilt. And guilt comes as a result of being criticised, our whole life, by the ones who should encourage us for the better. The moment we know what our boundaries should be (and we have the courage to set them straight with the ones who affect us the most) the other two issues start to dissolve. Of course, nothing comes for free, falling from the sky, and we definitely have to walk the extra mile and work on ourselves. The feeling of unworthiness is one of the main reasons for poverty.
4 - We are stuck in a victim mindset. “Wrong beliefs” preach the fact that someone else should complete us, provide for us and make us happy. When, in fact, we should be able to see ourselves as the complete beings we actually are. Once we asses & and understand our own core values, we overcome the victim mindset. Thus we are free to be who we want to be, from a victor mind space.
I hope this helps. ☺
A. Discover more about Andrada here: andradasworld.com