"When proclaiming that you are an Archangel or angelic or that you are from I don’t know which constellation or some extra-terrestrial race, then you are missing the whole point of being here" |
Who or what are we?

We are spiritual being who chose consciously to have a human experience here in the 3D reality. And maybe in time, rise to the 4D or 5D.
The only thing that counts is the here and the now. What we were in another life or what we will be after this one is irrelevant.
Ignoring this, is ignoring why you incarnated here on earth in the first place. More on that later.
If this life you were meant to be an angel, then you would literally have had wings and would not need to eat, drink and poo.
The only thing that counts is the here and the now. What we were in another life or what we will be after this one is irrelevant.
Ignoring this, is ignoring why you incarnated here on earth in the first place. More on that later.
If this life you were meant to be an angel, then you would literally have had wings and would not need to eat, drink and poo.
Remembering other life times or being able to see other dimensions is just to see the bigger picture and or to get additional tools to use in the here and now.
Using these in another way is running away from the very reason we incarnated here and now.
It’s disrespecting your own soul! Because it is your soul / higher self that decided to have this incarnation as a human being and chose the circumstances that would form your path in this life.
Using these in another way is running away from the very reason we incarnated here and now.
It’s disrespecting your own soul! Because it is your soul / higher self that decided to have this incarnation as a human being and chose the circumstances that would form your path in this life.
We are humans, we came to have human experiences, human emotions and human interactions.
This means to feel not only unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness… But also fear, pain, hatred, jealousy, resentment, experience the mind and the Ego.
From there we can learn to choose and to evolve into being a more loving, caring, compassionate and so called Zen being.
This means to feel not only unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness… But also fear, pain, hatred, jealousy, resentment, experience the mind and the Ego.
From there we can learn to choose and to evolve into being a more loving, caring, compassionate and so called Zen being.
Running away from our shadows or even worse, ignoring them, is not accepting who you are and it an act of hate towards yourself. Therefore behaving the exact opposite of what you pretend to be all about
What is a normal person?

Assuming you just read the answer to the previous question, then you know why you are here.
So the normal thing to do is to act on it. Be a human being, experience all that comes ion your path. Experience what you call beautiful and what you call ugly.
Stand in the light and in the dark. Experience love and fear (they opposites and the core energies at play)
Embrace your shadows, okay maybe start slow, accept that you have them and explore them. See why they are there and how they can serve you.
So the normal thing to do is to act on it. Be a human being, experience all that comes ion your path. Experience what you call beautiful and what you call ugly.
Stand in the light and in the dark. Experience love and fear (they opposites and the core energies at play)
Embrace your shadows, okay maybe start slow, accept that you have them and explore them. See why they are there and how they can serve you.

A seed opens underground and in the dark. That’s how a beautiful and colorful plant starts its life.
This means that you do not need to stay there forever.
Be that seed that grows, slowly but gradually into that big beautiful tree. A tree that communicates and builds relationships with other trees just like it. (Science has proven that tree do communicate and exchange energy with the surrounding trees through the network of roots)
Be a tree that will bloom and then share its fruit with the world around it.
Learn to open your heart and listening to it.
Learn to hear your soul speaking to you and guiding you. It will open many new doors for you to many new and beautiful experiences.
This means that you do not need to stay there forever.
Be that seed that grows, slowly but gradually into that big beautiful tree. A tree that communicates and builds relationships with other trees just like it. (Science has proven that tree do communicate and exchange energy with the surrounding trees through the network of roots)
Be a tree that will bloom and then share its fruit with the world around it.
Learn to open your heart and listening to it.
Learn to hear your soul speaking to you and guiding you. It will open many new doors for you to many new and beautiful experiences.
What is Spirituality really about?
Now you may wonder how all of the above fits-in with what we are been fed in the media and at most schools around the globe.
Well true spirituality is not what we’ve been taught, that’s for sure. And there is a beautiful quote going around:
Well true spirituality is not what we’ve been taught, that’s for sure. And there is a beautiful quote going around:
“A religious person will do what he is been told., no matter what is right… whereas a spiritual person will do what is right.. no matter what he is told” I love it! It clearly shows the craziness we have been fed and what has been causing havoc throughout the many millennia. Individuals have been burned alive without a shred of proof just because a religious person said it had to be done, many war have been fought tans are still being fought in the name of religion. In fact spirituality has been abused by most religions to imposed belief systems and rule over the masses.
Spirituality is also been used by cults to manipulate people into doing things a sane person would never do. Then what is spirituality about? |
Spirituality is making contact with your own soul. It is the journey within. Contrary to most religions, it has almost nothing to do with your outside world. It is about listening to what you feel, not what you think. How you feel about things, what you feel to do and what not.
Here are a few beautiful example of religious people who truly integrated spirituality:
- My great-grandfather of my father’s side was an Imam (an Islamic preacher) in the south of Tunisia and a business man. During WW2 het gave shelter to the Jews, hiding them from the Nazis. Yes, you read this correctly, a Muslim saving Jews. Also he did not wait for the religious holidays to feed the poor as most Muslims do (a custom in many religions). Instead he did help the poor on daily basis by giving them jobs or helping them find one and supplying them with what they needed until they could manage their lives on their own.
- Another example are an ant and her husband from my mother’s side who were Reformed Protestants (one of the many kinds of Christians). They were already retired teachers when refugees started moving into their small village. They decided to offer free Dutch courses to help them integrate in their new home country.
And what if you are not following any religion? Well then there is no limit to what you can do and experience. In fact there are many ways of practicing spirituality or being spiritually active.

Astrology is a very well-known and one of the oldest spiritual enlightenment tools. Yoga is a very popular one but that one is also malpracticed by most. Yoga is not about wearing fancy outfits that show how perfect your ass is or being so flexible to the point of being able to get into the most complex and painful positions. True yoga is a way of life / life philosophy that goes much further than the physical.
Reiki is another old tool used. But this one is outdated and needs to be reinvented as it uses symbols that carry contracts with them and this leads to health problems, Most Reiki practitioners are not aware of this as they do not get taught all of it,
Other less known tools to work on your spiritual development are Human Design and my favorite the Gene Keys.
Human Design, I feel, is similar to Astrology in the way that it tells you how you were created and people tend to believe that this is how they are and it ends there.

Where the Gene Keys show you both your shadows and your light and focuses on what your true potential in life is and helps you reach it.
A trap of all those tools of spiritual development is that the mind can use them as study material and then turns those into a dogma and people miss out on the whole essence of it.
The key of not stepping into this trap is not trying to understand it all mentally, but to feel and allow things to sink in, to contemplate in conjunction with the soul and let things anchor while practicing. And there is no one right way of processing a tool, we are all unique and we need to find within us our own ideal way of walking our path.
A trap of all those tools of spiritual development is that the mind can use them as study material and then turns those into a dogma and people miss out on the whole essence of it.
The key of not stepping into this trap is not trying to understand it all mentally, but to feel and allow things to sink in, to contemplate in conjunction with the soul and let things anchor while practicing. And there is no one right way of processing a tool, we are all unique and we need to find within us our own ideal way of walking our path.
Spirituality is also not about having supernatural powers, being the guru healing others, or the guru telling others what will come on their path. It is all about the journey within and from there your interaction with the world changes. You will get more loving, be more compassionate and stop doing harm to people, animals, plants basically no harm towards anyone or anything including yourself.
Yes, it is taking damn good care of yourself not from greed or the Ego. Instead it is self-love, self-compassion, self-acceptance, self-forgiveness, self-nourishment and self-awareness.
Yes, it is taking damn good care of yourself not from greed or the Ego. Instead it is self-love, self-compassion, self-acceptance, self-forgiveness, self-nourishment and self-awareness.
This is a life-long process that results in healing wounds and traumas what on its turn leads for example to not getting triggered anymore.
I can keep going on about what true spirituality encompasses.
I can keep going on about what true spirituality encompasses.
Why are we here in the first place?

We are spiritual being, all coming from the one source. Just like the physical Big Bang we came from one and split into an infinite number of separate spirits. A part of each of these spirits called soul incarnated in for example a human body. I may go more in detail on this process and the why in a different article or video.
What’s important here is that each soul has a mission for its incarnation. This mission consists of experiences to have, lessons to learn, things to accomplish and tasks to fulfill for other incarnated being as part of an agreement made before starting a new life. These tasks help other beings in their process of experiencing and learning or accomplishing specific tasks.
This is why it is so important to be here and not walking the earth wishing to be somewhere else. We are exactly where we need to be when we need to be. Simply because chose to. And yes we may feel that we do not belong here, or not in a specific place or situation. But that is because we are not comfortable where we are. Yet when we start to see the bigger picture we begin to understand and see the path we are walking and things start to make sense. The Gene Keys are a perfect tool that can help in this process.
What’s important here is that each soul has a mission for its incarnation. This mission consists of experiences to have, lessons to learn, things to accomplish and tasks to fulfill for other incarnated being as part of an agreement made before starting a new life. These tasks help other beings in their process of experiencing and learning or accomplishing specific tasks.
This is why it is so important to be here and not walking the earth wishing to be somewhere else. We are exactly where we need to be when we need to be. Simply because chose to. And yes we may feel that we do not belong here, or not in a specific place or situation. But that is because we are not comfortable where we are. Yet when we start to see the bigger picture we begin to understand and see the path we are walking and things start to make sense. The Gene Keys are a perfect tool that can help in this process.
And an important fact is that we all were born with the main tools that we need to excel in this life. In addition we will find on our path the additional tools and people that we need to accomplish our journey. In principle we do always have exactly what we need when we need it. We are just not always able to see this, unless we learn to zoom out and see the bigger picture. And even then, it is not always clear.
Instead we need to learn to trust the process and trust ourselves.
Instead we need to learn to trust the process and trust ourselves.
Part my work for example, is to help people see the bigger picture and find their life mission, their gifts and learning to incorporate them.
So if you feel that you need guidance in your process, simply contact me here.
So if you feel that you need guidance in your process, simply contact me here.