Summary of the
B R E A K Through Workshops
Breaking loose from your restrains, breaking through your obstacles, being fears, blockages, limiting beliefs, restricting patterns,... This is what this workshop is meant fo. Scroll down to the testimonials, those who have experienced it will tell you how is has impacted their lives. Do you feel there is much more YOU inside who wants to live, to feel, to break free?
Have you suffered enough from your limitations?
Then this is definitely for YOU:
This workshop is a safe but shock treatment, which breaks through invisible barriers. A two intense days’ of dive-in-deep-into-the-core workshop where what is blocking or limiting you will be stripped bare. There will be no "have to", only "I want to”. The two days are co-created very organic, the way things go depend on the participants and their specific needs and speed. But rest assured: all will benefit. As a unique care-feature we also included a free come back evening to assess how the changes are sinking-in and are being integrated in your lives. It is also a moment to determine if there is a need for any assistance. Lotfi (from Amsterdam) and Ibi (Bucharest) join forces to guide you and help you address your biggest unknown obstacle at the core. Through this very intense transformational process you will reach your own personal breakthrough and become free. Testimonials:...
My full name in the end means that I m not afraid anymore of what others could think about me. I own my feelings and I am free now. You did a great job,...and you will help so many souls from now. ... Breaking Through Workshop is the most beautiful gift I've ever could offer to myself. It was an experience that Reset my life, my perspective on it and that re-birth my soul and my joy for life. ... This is an advertising printed on my soul, it is pure joy that I wish more people know and feel, because I finally understand: It is a birthright! Ibi and Lotfi could bridge you there and it is totally safe. To read the full testimonial click here ...
I was always self-sufficient and I completely refused any Workshops as I thought it would be a useless thing to do. Now, I confess that this is the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me. And it is an absolute necessity to anyone who wants to improve his life and to evolve. Yes, I have read a lot, I tried to grow alone…theBreakthrough workshop was the crowning of my efforts and the essence of my searches…the missing piece! ... The wonderful people who guided me, Ibi and Lotfi, first created a safe space, where they allowed me to simply be. Without the fear of being judged, without the shame to admit that I am weak and I in need of help. They cared deeply about each participant, the attention to the details, the patience and gentleness used to guide us without interfering or forcing anybody. To read the full testimonial click here Partners:Catering
First reactions:
Amazing experience! Thank you Ibi & Lotfi from all my heart (once I discovered to have one ;))
Delia Lotfi & Ibi you are a great team! It was a phenomenal experience! I am very grateful for this workshop and I will practice every day what I learn from you. I am very proud of the team! You are wonderful people! Thanks a lot for everything!
Mircea Lotfi & Ibi thank you!!! You both are amazing. Great team and...a perfect job! All my love
Ileana Ibi & Lotfi amazing! you did a great job! Thank you!
Alexandra |