Training volunteers
We do offer the possibility to train active volunteers to help attract new volunteers for your organisation.
The main reason for organizing this training is that active volunteers are some of the best ambassadors for the NGO's they support. At the same time many of these volunteers do not know how to promote the work what they do or never even mention it to anybody. This can have many reasons. During the training we address these points and help the volunteers to become effective in spreading the word and motivating others to join. This training can be organized both locally as well as online. Scroll down to see how such an event has been organized.
An example of a volunteers training: |
During this evening active volunteers from two different charities came to a training organized by Ibi Beres and Lotfi M'Rad.
The training had as main focus to help these volunteers to reach out to the people surrounding them and motivate them to become an active volunteers starting with attending the next BRiDGiNG charity event. Beautiful fact is that most volunteers are doing their work with passion and love. But they do not always realize how big of a difference they make in people's lives. They are often also not aware of the impact on society that they are creating. The last two facts are crucial to be known, this will be an extra motivator for others to decide to start volunteering. This training was held at the brand new Surinam secrets restaurant (see below). If you know people who are already volunteers, please do ask them to contact us here!
If we'll have al least 4 other active volunteers, we'll organize another training. The training had covered a few objectives:
What attendees (active volunteers) say about the training:Why do I strongly recommend you to attend the Bridging Charity for volunteers event? Well, it's quite simple: you already are a volunteer, so you do a great job.
But you can keep growing and reach the next level by simply learn how to maximize your potential and the importance of every activity you do at your charity. Moreover, sharing your experience with other volunteers and brainstorming ideas for future activities is so useful and rewarding! În urma întâlnirii de joi, va detaliez câteva idei si impresii despre voluntariat.
Motivul pentru care am început să fac voluntariat este unul banal, eram într-o perioadă dificilă din viața mea și un prieten drag m-a sfătuit să fac ceva, ceva pentru sufletul meu. Ideea de voluntariat a fost ceea ce am ales atunci. Pasii urmatori au fost simpli, am contactat Hospice prin e-mail și apoi m-am întâlnit cu Andrei Bratu, coordonator voluntari. A contat mult și modul în care a prezentat conceptul de voluntariat și faptul ca a reușit să convinga si sa coordoneze oamenii, isi are meritul lui. Sunt voluntar de 8 luni de zile. Ceea ce am făcut pana in acest moment la Hospice a fost doar sa particip la ateliere de creație (realizat produse/obiecte hand made). Încerc să conving și alți prieteni și nu numai, pentru a ajuta, să se gândească si la ceilalti și sa faca ceva, orice. Din păcate există probleme de perceptie în educația oamenilor, este important să li se dea cat mai multe exemple . Întâlnirea cu voi mi-a arătat încă o dată că există șanse ca ideea de a ajuta necondiționat să fie adoptate de cât mai mulți oameni. Vă felicit și va sustin. Rămâne sa discutam orice altă problemă, idee, întrebare. Background:In November 2015 several people within my network and myself included, felt that we want to do something to contribute to changing the society.
And like any other change, this change has to come from within. Within the people. You. And me. At that time several initiatives were born and then people decided to team-up to boost the impact of their involvement. BRiDGiNG charity is a result of this. It is about giving/sharing your time to help someone or a cause. Helping about doing and not having an opinion. A resume of the previous charity BRiDGiNG event here. |