Next Level Relationship
SeminarBy Ibi Beres and Lotfi M'Rad
We wondered how people would answer this question: If tomorrow somebody would ask you “what does a relationship means to you?” which are the first words that come to your mind? Love - Respect - Honesty - Trust - Communication ? Most couples lost or never had as foundation these values. Most of the time the answers involve comfort, social status, dependency, fear of being alone, safety, being accepted. We also asked the participantsWe asked the participants to share their reasons to attend. This lead to a very interactive seminar where different cases of imbalance were examined and explained for everyone to understand the dynamics that lead to to it.
The atmosphere was as usual relaxed and the participants opened-up and shared smoothly their fears, concerns, obstacles, blockages, efforts they already did to change and improve their relationships.
We made sure to integrate the following points as to help the participants to get a better understanding:
At the end we presented what could be the next step for the participants: a 4 week very interactive course during which we teach how to change the relationship by solving the issues at their core. Most participants wanted to join.
If you feel that you would as well benefit from attending this seminar in the near future, then please do not hesitate to contact us: