Start of the year is always a good time to write down your wishes, goals and resolutions. How is that working for you? How many of those goals did you achieve over the years? And for those you achieved, how did they make you feel? What was the cost? Why new year’s resolutions are so hard to keep and why only less than 10% of the people achieve their resolutions? What happens with those beautiful must-have goals? At first glance resolutions are all about acting, changing, doing something different, starting something new. But why they don’t materialize then? A few essential questions must be asked:
Most people fail at their goals because of the way they set them. We will explore together in a very relaxed atmosphere which are the most frequent mistakes we make when we set our intentions. We’ll learn why we are struggling to manifest what we want, even when we set our intentions. In this workshop you’ll learn:
If you want to learn how to set intentions which work, and actually transform into manifested things which really benefit your life, this course is for you. Who we are: